Everything You Need to Know about Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is expensive. Look at the books to see how fast a person is going through cash. This is an early sign of cocaine addiction.
Changes in behavior in another sign— exaggerated efforts to bar family members or friends from entering a room or being secretive about where they go. Also look for drastic changes in behavior. Other early signs include, excessive exhilaration and a show of unrealistic confidence, an increased alertness to the point of insomnia, rapid or rambling speech, dilated pupils, delusions and hallucinations, irritability or changes in mood, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, nasal congestion and damage to the mucous membrane of the nose (if snorting cocaine).
Cocaine abuse is inherently dangerous. Since it’s an illegal drug, an abuser often doesn’t know the dose, source, or if even if it’s cocaine they are snorting or injecting. Just as often, dealers contribute additives like allergy medicine to increase their profit margins.
Complications of cocaine abuse are many and varied. Sometimes, it depends on the manner a person is consuming the drug. Complications such as the loss of sense of smell, nosebleeds, frequent runny nose, and difficulties swallowing may occur in some people who snort cocaine. For those injecting, a higher risk of contracting HIV or hepatitis C is a possibility. Other long-term effects of cocaine use include malnourishment because cocaine decreases appetite. Even disorders like Parkinson’s disease can be one long-term consequence.
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