Ask anyone at Windward Way and you’ll get nothing but accurate information and compassion—we understand how frightening addiction can be for family or for those who have gone through it. A rehab for Dexedrine at Windward Way can help bring sanity back into your life, without the need for habit-forming drugs. Discover the answers you want right now: (855) 491-7694.
Through both our prescription rehab and also our addiction treatment program, we yearn to bring hope and guidance, not just for the clients we serve, but also for the families and friends affected by the drug dependence.
Since withdrawal from Dexedrine often accompanies its cessation, our highly trained intake staff will determine whether a Dexedrine detox is appropriate as the first step in your new journey in recovery from addiction. Throughout every step of our admissions process, you’ll get no judgment or talk down from us. Instead, you will receive only the accurate and most recent knowledge to guide people along their new journey of discovery. Pick up the phone. It’s not as hard as you might imagine. We’re here 24/7 for you: (855) 491-7694.