Our drug rehab and alcohol treatment program may use these methods to help people in recovery find a new way to relax. Truth be told, these therapies are way better than using alcohol or drugs, a fact many of our new clients are surprised to discover.
Acupressure and massage therapy can also be an ongoing therapy for people graduating from our program to addiction treatment. Paired with other modalities for treatment such as hypnotherapy, acupressure and massage can be just the ticket to find the solace you’re looking for. Imagine not having to smoke a joint or drink a six-pack of beer to unwind and deal with the consequences!
We can answer the questions that you may have about acupressure therapy or massage or any other of the many therapies our therapists employ. Let us custom fit a program, just for you. Risk the rewards only a recovery from Windward Way can deliver. Do it now—we dare you! (855) 491-7694.