We’re only too happy to stay on the phone with you and answer every one of your questions. We can discuss travel arrangements and accommodations, your insurance policy and what benefits may help cover the costs of treatment, and what to expect through each of the stages of our addiction treatment program. Call us now to craft a personalized plan for you or for a man you care for: (855) 491-7694.
From there, a treatment intake coordinator can meet with clients (and sometimes family members) to fill out paperwork and discuss rules, and what not to bring, regulations, grievance procedures and the client’s rights.
Windward Way will determine whether the client requires detoxification. We will make all the arrangements for admission to our clinically supervised detox center to make sure the client remains safe and comfortable through this detox process. Again, you can rest easy knowing that we’re here to take care of all the details.
Call now at (855) 491-7694 and we can find the solutions you’re looking for.