The most well-known way that a person takes heroin is by injecting the substance. But most people who start taking heroin do not go straight to injecting the substance. In many cases, people will either snort the drug or smoke the drug first.
Heroin is purchased in a powder form, and the powder can come in many different colors and shades. It can be all too easy for a person to mistake white cocaine and white heroin with each other, increasing the risk of a fatal overdose.
In its purest form, heroin powder will dissolve quickly in water, making it easy to inject with a needle. But in most cases, the drug is cut with other substances, including the following:
Drug dealers will cut heroin with these other substances to increase the volume of the drug and make a higher profit. People who purchase heroin will find that mixed batches of the drug are less expensive, too. But unfortunately, smoking, injecting, or snorting adulterated heroin can cause severe health issues. Taking adulterated heroin, depending on the composition, can also mask the signs of an overdose.
Pure heroin will dissolve very quickly, no matter how it is taken. But these added ingredients are coarser, larger, and won’t disintegrate like heroin powder. These substances can become lodged in a person’s soft tissues, veins, arteries, and organs. Once they become lodged, they can kill off tissues and cells.