Opiate addiction will no doubt have a long road to recovery. Rehab centers can help guide patients through their recovery process and achieve a full rehabilitation.
At Windward Way, our top-notch team of experts has the skill and knowledge base to grapple with addiction, we also embrace the deeply held belief that recovery is meant to be passed along . . . to you! After an adventure-filled and revitalizing stay at our rehab for opioids at Windward Way, most of the people we serve tell us how we were the last-ditch effort that saved their lives.
Through our dually accredited opioid addiction treatment program of recovery, you’ll acquire skills you cannot get at other rehabs: namely, how to effectively manage the physical and/or psychological cravings for opioid-based prescription drugs like Vicodin® or Oxycontin®. You will also discover for yourself the joys of recovery—you will be able to work again, feel joy with your family and friends, and most importantly . . . you’ll be free from the ravages of addiction to opioids.
It seems like we read about opioids in the news almost every day. Opioids (also called “opiates”) have also become a drug of choice because of their “bang for the buck.” Abusing them has serious consequences, though, many with which you may already be familiar. If you are addicted to opioids and want help, we have the expertise and the staff to assist you in finally quitting the abuse of prescription drugs. Windward Way is the opioids addiction rehab you’ve been searching for – Call us right now: []ClinicPhone.
Physicians prescribe opioids mostly for pain control. Here is a list of opioids (with both their brand- and generic names) we most commonly treat at Windward Way:
- Codeine
- Tramadol
- Vicodin® (hydrocodone)
- MS-Contin® (morphine)
- Oxycontin® (oxycodone)
- Fentanyl (such as the Duragesic® patch brand)
- Dilaudid® (hydromorphone)
- Opana® (oxymorphone)
- Demerol® (meperidine)
- Suboxone® (buprenorphine)
- Buprenorphine/Naltrexone
You will find in our opioid addiction treatment program that we strive to be your advocate every step of the way. With our adventure and family programs, as well as our individualized therapy sessions, your experience will be similar to the thousands of other people we have successfully treated, many for an addiction to opioids and other substances.
Withdrawal nearly always accompanies the cessation of opioid use, and it can be uncomfortable. Rest assured, our thoroughly trained and clinically supervised detox staff will ascertain whether opioids detox is right for you.
With a proper opioid addiction treatment program, we know the possibilities for your future are endless, and the sky is literally the limit. Our admissions process isn’t as difficult as you might think, and we’ll be standing beside you, every step of the way. Don’t wait until tomorrow to reach out to Windward Way. You don’t have to go through this process alone. We’re here, right now at (855) 491-7694.