Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in the U.S. Dyslexia impairs a person’s ability to read, and therefore, comprehend text. People with dyslexia may also experience problems between words and letters that sound similar.
The second most common learning disability is ADHD. About 6.4 million people in the U.S. have an ADHD diagnosis. People with ADHD have a difficult time staying focused and completing tasks.
Dyscalculia is another common learning disability where people have difficulty understanding math. People with dyscalculia may have trouble with concepts like time, measurement, and estimation. They may also order numbers incorrectly and struggle with completing a basic math problem.
Dysgraphia, or difficulty writing, is another common learning disability in the U.S. Individuals with dysgraphia may struggle with holding a pen or a pencil and organizing their thoughts coherently through writing. People with dysgraphia will also have trouble understanding grammar and structuring sentences.
Learning disabilities also encompass an array of processing deficits. People with a processing deficit have trouble understanding and processing sensory data. Processing deficits can include things that are auditory, or visual, making it hard for people to remember relevant information.