Windward Way actively makes use of holistic approaches to substance abuse treatment like massage, acupressure, tai chi and yoga, because we are committed to opening our treatment to new options for men. The addiction treatment plan we can develop for your drug rehab or alcohol treatment program may fit yoga therapy into your customized treatment regimen to help you find a new way to relax and center your mind. The truth is our yoga master may even help you discover the ability to finally grasp true mindfulness and create for yourself a new, centered focus to achieve your life’s goals.
Yoga therapy can also become the gift that keeps on giving for people who want to find an alternative to drugs or alcohol. In fact, many of our alumni have incorporated a practice of yoga into their daily routines. The transformations we’ve witnessed firsthand in the people we’ve helped are real — Windward Way prides itself in having brought success to so many men. The same can be true for you as well.
Since our treatment center draws from not only traditional addiction treatment methods, but also from the more innovative and exotic wisdom from the East such as yoga, our addiction treatment program offers more options than many other programs. The honest truth is that we can help you deal with your problem of abusing drugs or alcohol like no other.
We’ll be only too happy to answer the questions that you may have about yoga therapy or any other of the many treatment therapies our staff uses. We’re ready now to develop a program, custom fit just for you. The only risk you have is in not calling us and letting your problem remain the same. Call now at (855) 491-7694 and hear for yourself about all the people we’ve helped at Windward Way.