Another point of reference is that our academic assistance, both in residential treatment and after, guides clients—every step of the way—to access excellent public and private academic institutions to continue or begin their educational journey. To find out more about educational opportunities, call us at (855) 491-7694.
For those seeking a vocational opportunity, we lay out the process in our career program in a simple, easy to understand way. Locally, various employment options exist at all levels of entry on the career path. We also teach each client the art of resume building and how to successfully engage employers during the interview process.
We know how important it is to find a superior addiction treatment program—one that will lead you in a successful direction. The “Windward Way” is all about passing on the gift of recovery to you. Graduates of our addiction rehab find not just a community, but a brotherhood. Many of our alumni remain involved after treatment by attending our weekly alumni meeting.
The choice is clear: Windward Way is the way to success and freedom, not just to get off the chemicals ruining your life, but also how to rediscover your passion for living. We’ll help you get there. Just call (855) 491-7694.