

Treatment for Halcion® Addiction at Windward Way

Halcion® (triazolam) is a benzodiazepine-class drug similar to Xanax or Valium. Halcion is most often written as a prescription for severe insomnia. Because of its powerful hypnotic effects, this restricted medication has also become a frequently abused drug. If you or a loved one is addicted to Halcion and needs assistance, we’re standing ready at Windward Way to help you!

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We completely comprehend how truly scary addiction seems for, not to mention the family’s horror when they see their son, daughter, wife, girlfriend, husband, or boyfriend slip away from them. A rehab for Halcion at Windward Way can be exactly what you’re looking for. You can find the answers you’re seeking immediately: (855) 491-7694.

At Windward Way, we aim to give hope and direction not just from our highly acclaimed prescription rehab, but also through our addiction treatment program. Both families and clients alike have continually shared their feedback with us that our program for recovery is like no other.

Since Halcion withdrawal may be potentially seizure inducing, our rigorously trained and well-informed intake staff will help you decide whether a Halcion detox is needed as a first step to discovering freedom without the need for prescription drugs. Throughout every step of our admissions process, we are here to guide you to a fresh start. In fact, we’re here right now at (855) 491-7694.