
Adderall Withdrawal

Relief for Adderall Physiological and Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms

Adderall is a prescription amphetamine, commonly prescribed to treat ADD and ADHD in children. For people with these disorders, it’s incredibly challenging to stay focused and alert. Adderall helps people with ADD and ADHD focus and remain calm. But, Adderall does have addictive properties and can cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

When taken correctly, Adderall is incredibly useful for helping people living with ADD and ADHD, but even when taken the right way, Adderall can cause a person to become dependent on the drug. Women who are pregnant or want to become pregnant and who’ve been taking prescription Adderall legally may wish to undergo medically supervised detox to taper down from the drug safely.

Unfortunately, people who don’t have ADD or ADHD can abuse Adderall to get high. Adderall can cause feelings of increased energy, euphoria, alertness and focus. College students and people who lead pressured and busy lives will sometimes take Adderall as a street drug. They may become addicted to the high Adderall produces and find themselves taking more and more of the drug. Their life can quickly spin out of control and they can find themselves at risk of developing long-term health problems because of Adderall abuse. Fortunately, a medical detox center can help people beat an Adderall addiction safely and effectively.

What is the timeline for Adderall withdrawal?

Adderall withdrawal symptoms can happen as quick as a few hours to a few days after the last dose. Physical symptoms will peak within four days, and gradually taper off. However, emotional symptoms can linger for weeks or months. Without help from doctors and therapists, people who quit Adderall can suffer for a long time with depression, anxiety, or problems with sleep after quitting Adderall.

What physical symptoms are common to experience during the withdrawal process?

Adderall causes the user to feel alert and energetic. Once an addicted person stops taking the drug, they will experience a marked decrease in energy levels. They may feel sluggish or otherwise impaired. Physical symptoms related to the Adderall withdrawal timeline include the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Problems regulating appetite
  • Muscle spasms or tremors
  • Aches and pains

What psychological symptoms can someone experience during Adderall withdrawal?

Adderall withdrawal can cause several distressing emotional symptoms, including the following:

  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Vivid and unpleasant dreams and nightmares
  • Anhedonia
  • Problems with social functioning

If someone doesn’t get help for emotional withdrawal symptoms, they can linger for months or years after cessation.

What is the difference between quitting Adderall cold-turkey or going to a medically supervised detox center to stop?

A cold turkey detox is when a person suddenly quits taking the drug. Cold turkey detox doesn’t work for many reasons. For starters, it’s unsafe. A sudden cessation can shock the body, and trigger extremely painful and intense withdrawal symptoms that can sometimes be dangerous. The pain of acute withdrawal is unbearable for most people, so they start retaking the drug to get some relief. This, of course, doesn’t help them quit, and prolongs the addiction, putting the individual at risk of all the nasty unpleasantries associated with drug abuse and addiction.

A medically supervised detox, on the other hand, allows the person to safely taper off the drug under the care of a team of trained medical professionals. Tapering off the medication allows the body to get used to ever-decreasing doses of the substance. In this case, withdrawal symptoms aren’t nearly as severe. Symptoms also aren’t as dangerous. And, undergoing withdrawals in a secure environment prevents relapse.

What is safe to take during detox from Adderall?

It is safe for people to take ever-decreasing doses of the drug. This will prevent the occurrence of dangerous and intense withdrawal symptoms. Patients can also take safe medications to counteract the pain associated with withdrawal, such as aches and pains or trouble sleeping. Patients can also take medication for depression or anxiety.

What isn’t safe for Adderall detox?

It’s not safe for patients to take caffeine during detox. Caffeine can intensify feelings of anxiety and problems with sleep that are common withdrawal symptoms. It’s also not safe for patients to be around harmful influences while they try to recover from drug addiction. A medically supervised detox center can keep patients safe from those who may encourage them to get back into the drug lifestyle.

What happens during the Adderall withdrawal process?

When someone enters drug rehab and detox, doctors must assess them thoroughly and also formulate a safe and effective tapering off schedule. Patients are evaluated for polydrug use, underlying health conditions, and for how long and how much they’ve taken Adderall. Patients are able to detox from the drug safely. Once the substance is out of their system, they can begin attending an inpatient or outpatient rehab center. From there, doctors and therapists can craft and execute tailor-made maintenance plans for the patient. Support systems and groups are put in place for the patient to prevent relapse and give them a sense of community and belonging.

How does Adderall withdrawal differ from other prescription amphetamines?

Adderall comes in short-term and long-term formulations. It’s important for doctors to know which form a person has abused. Short term formulations will exit the body quicker, but the withdrawals can be more intense and sudden. Long-term formulation abuse, however, means the drug will linger in the person’s bloodstream for longer. Withdrawal symptoms may not be as fierce, but they will last for longer, affecting the withdrawal timeline and process.

What individual factors influence the Adderall withdrawal process?

The type of Adderall abused, and if it was abused along with other drugs or alcohol, will significantly influence the withdrawal process on an individual level. Underlying mental and physical health issues also play a role, as does a person’s weight and metabolism. Despite the numerous factors involved in Adderall addiction and detox, trained doctors and therapists at a rehab center are equipped to help anyone who wants to recover from Adderall addiction and abuse.