
Family Issues

Find Help for Treating Addiction Issues Within a Family What Types of Addictions Are There?

When most people think of addiction, they associate it with a chemical dependency to drugs or alcohol, but the reality is that almost any compulsive behavior or activity that interferes with a person’s personal, social or professional life can lead to addiction. Gambling, pornography, exercising or even social media could cause dependency and must be addressed in family therapy.

Regardless of the type of addiction discussed, its effects stretch far beyond the individual and affect not only their physical and emotional health but their relationship with their loved ones as well. Family members can also go through intense pain and suffering as they see the addict unable to control himself and engage in destructive behavior.

Family therapy can help both the addict and their family and teach them how to manage and cope with the addiction.

What Is Family Therapy?

Unlike individual therapy, where the counselor focuses on how the problem affects the patient and how to best respond to addictive behaviors, family therapy moves the attention on the group as a whole. The premise is that patients don’t exist in a vacuum and their relationships with their families might have a great impact on their recovery.

As such, family therapy aims to provide a neutral setting where people can share their emotions and concerns and discuss the way addiction impacts their life.

Studies show that family therapy can be a highly effective method of addressing and treating alcohol and drug abuse.

How Does Family Therapy Play a Role in Addiction Treatment?

One of the things that make family therapy highly effective is that it doesn’t see addiction as a singular problem, but one that extends beyond the individual and impacts almost anyone that get in contact with the patients. The purpose of this therapy is to determine if there are any underlying causes, such as abuse, negligence, toxic family relationships, and so on that could have led to the addiction in the first place.

If both the patient and family members are committed to identifying the root problems, discuss them, and fix them, then this type of therapy can change the dynamic between relatives and facilitate the recovery process.

How Are Therapy Sessions Conducted?

First and foremost, the therapist tries to create a neutral and safe environment that makes it easier for family members to discuss their problems and look for a solution. His purpose isn’t to intervene in the family’s dynamics, but to observe them, mediate, and encourage open and sincere communication. Efficient communication can provide the addict with a sense of closure that may encourage sobriety and change.

A therapist will, therefore, focus on engaging families in dialogues about problem-solving and motivation for change. Based on these discussions, the therapist can then create a rigorous plan for recovery.

Some sessions will include larger groups of people, while others will only take place between the addict and their parents, for example. Other meetings could take place in the absence of the addict so that the clinician can get a better view of the problem, as seen from the family member’s perspectives.

What Is the Goal of This Type of Therapy?

There are many types of family therapy, but all share the same goal.

The purpose of family therapy is to help patients build stronger and more effective relationships with their families and create a safe environment that supports them through the recovery process.

The effects of addiction are deep and ugly, so the family must learn how to adapt its behavior so that the patients don’t feel judged or pitied. Instead, he should know that he has a strong support system back home that is willing to help him overcome this challenge.

What Other Therapies Are Used in Addiction Recovery?

While family therapy can be an excellent way to address family dynamics and toxic relationships, it can’t be effective on its own. First and foremost, patients must address the physical effects of addiction. In the case of substance abuse, for example, they must cleanse their bodies and learn how to function without the drug. Only after that, they can tackle the physiological component of addiction through individual and group sessions, family therapy, and other alternative treatment plans.

Creating a supportive and nurturing environment is vital in helping patients regain self-confidence and control. As such, family therapy can have a positive impact on the recovery process and reduce the risks of relapse.

Get Help You Deserve with Family-Related Addiction Treatment

Addiction to drugs or alcohol frequently disrupts or destroys relationships with the people we care about. To tell the truth, we see issues pertaining to relationships and substance abuse in the majority of cases we tackle in our addiction treatment program for men, ages 18-45.

Have you experienced:

  • Problems with money or unpaid debts?
  • Serious matters with pending legal charges?
  • Stolen items?
  • Lying or rationalizing?
  • Physical or psychological spousal (or significant other) abuse?

If so, a treatment for addiction and dependency at Windward Way, alongside our highly-praised family program will offer the advantage other more generic rehabs cannot provide. Call us now to find out how we can help with relationship issues and substance abuse: (855) 491-7694.

A New Life at Windward Way

One particular question we get all the time is if the person dealing with an addiction will be able to change. Spouses, in particular, want to know if a spousal addiction treatment will be effective and stick for the long term. Rest assured, we will also endeavor to include family members within marriage and family therapy (when possible) to ensure everyone is included in the treatment process.

You can rest assured that Windward Way will personally construct an individualized program within both our drug and alcohol rehabs to provide the best addiction treatment options available for the person you care about. Speak with our counselors right now to find out how we can help provide a new beginning. We’re here 24/7 at (855) 491-7694.